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Years from 1993 to 1994 for House (1987 - 1994)

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1 Vision - My Underground - 1993 - Original Mix, My Dubberground, Seduction & I Need Ja 1 Vision - My Underground - Night Club - Original Mix, My Dubberground, Seduction & I Need Ja
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1881

108 Grand With Roy Galloway - Tonight - 1993 - Vocal & Dub 108 Grand With Roy Galloway - Tonight - Six Foot Six - Vocal & Dub
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1795

2 Cow Boys - Everybody Gonfi Gon - 1994 - New Atlantic Mix, Costa Del Sol Version, New New Atlantic Edit, Valencia Mix 2 Cow Boys - Everybody Gonfi Gon - Ffrreedom - New Atlantic Mix, Costa Del Sol Version, New New Atlantic Edit, Valencia Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM254

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2 Da Rhythm - A Special Groove - 1993 - 12in Mix, 2 Da Rhythm Dub, Bonus Beats, Take Em Up Bay Ridge Mix, Take Em Up Bonus Beats 2 Da Rhythm - A Special Groove - Nervous - 12in Mix, 2 Da Rhythm Dub, Bonus Beats, Take Em Up Bay Ridge Mix, Take Em Up Bonus Beats
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1650

2 In A Room - El Trago - The Drink - 1994 - Bottom Dollar Club Mix, Bottom Dollar Drunk Dub, $2 Drink Special, Champagne Dub, Avenue D-apella 2 In A Room - El Trago - The Drink - Positiva - Bottom Dollar Club Mix, Bottom Dollar Drunk Dub, $2 Drink Special, Champagne Dub, Avenue D-apella
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA177

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2 Unlimited - Tribal Dance - 1993 - Automatic African Remix, Extended 12 Mix, Automatic Breakbeat Remix & Extended Rap 2 Unlimited - Tribal Dance - Pwl - Automatic African Remix, Extended 12 Mix, Automatic Breakbeat Remix & Extended Rap
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM299

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4 Corners - Girls It Aint Easy - 1994 - Dj Efxs Transient Mix, Radio Remix, Dj Efxs After Hours Mix, Deep Tribal Mix, Dj Efx & Tys Radio Mix 4 Corners - Girls It Aint Easy - Mercury Us - Dj Efxs Transient Mix, Radio Remix, Dj Efxs After Hours Mix, Deep Tribal Mix, Dj Efx & Tys Radio Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM56

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49ers Feat Ann Marie Smith - Everything - 1993 - Dj Pierre Usa Mix, Max Mix, A-capella, Dj Professor Club Cut, Dj Professor Xclub Cut & Jazz Voice Mix 49ers Feat Ann Marie Smith - Everything - Media - Dj Pierre Usa Mix, Max Mix, A-capella, Dj Professor Club Cut, Dj Professor Xclub Cut & Jazz Voice Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1584

69 - Lite Music - 1994 - Jam The Box, Desire, My Machines & Microlovr 69 - Lite Music - Planet E - Jam The Box, Desire, My Machines & Microlovr
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1763

7 Hz - Brand New Day - 1994 - Rough & Tough Mix, Original Mix 7 Hz - Brand New Day - Full Circle - Rough & Tough Mix, Original Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1009

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808state - Bombadin - 1994 - Barta Mix & Bombapella & Marathon - Club 12 & Marathon - Drumapella 808state - Bombadin - Ztt - Barta Mix & Bombapella & Marathon - Club 12 & Marathon - Drumapella
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1422

95 North & The Metro - Tell Me - 1994 - Bonehead Mix, Boneless Dub, Boneless Mix 95 North & The Metro - Tell Me - Thumpin - Bonehead Mix, Boneless Dub, Boneless Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1906

Abigail - Could It Be Magic - 1993 - Original Mix & Is This A Dream Abigail - Could It Be Magic - Klone - Original Mix & Is This A Dream
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1592

Akiko - Tanto-bushi - 1993 - Master Mix, Shakuhachi Mix & Sawaguch Jinku Akiko - Tanto-bushi - Ao - Master Mix, Shakuhachi Mix & Sawaguch Jinku
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1688

Alkahest - Universal Constant Ep - 1994 - Without Within - Eternal Opuscule #35, The Casting - Eternal Opuscule #32, Seance 33, Lead - Eternal Opuscule #33, Intone - Eternal Opuscule #34, Antimatter - Eternal Opuscule #28 & Elemental - Eternal Opuscule #29 & Many More Tracks Alkahest - Universal Constant Ep - Post Contemporary - Without Within - Eternal Opuscule #35, The Casting - Eternal Opuscule #32, Seance 33, Lead - Eternal Opuscule #33, Intone - Eternal Opuscule #34, Antimatter - Eternal Opuscule #28 & Elemental - Eternal Opuscule #29 & Many More Tracks
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1500

Analog Vogue - Swayex - 1993 - Original Mix, Swayer, Odysse & Synrmx Analog Vogue - Swayex - Frankfurt Beat Productions - Original Mix, Swayer, Odysse & Synrmx
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1543

Angelino Albanese Featuring Miriam - Phone - 1993 - Original Sax Mix, Borsato Love Mix, Angelino Vocal Remix & Albanese Dub Remix Angelino Albanese Featuring Miriam - Phone - Black Market International - Original Sax Mix, Borsato Love Mix, Angelino Vocal Remix & Albanese Dub Remix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1815

Angie Gold - Take My Breath Away - 1993 - Original Mix & Breathless Angie Gold - Take My Breath Away - Klone - Original Mix & Breathless
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1593

Aphrohead Aka Felix Da Housecat - Thee Lite - 1993 - The Protechtion Mix, Aphrohead Mix, House Cats Run 4 Yo Life Mix Pt 01 & House Cats Run 4 Yo Life Mix Pt 02 Aphrohead Aka Felix Da Housecat - Thee Lite - Bush - The Protechtion Mix, Aphrohead Mix, House Cats Run 4 Yo Life Mix Pt 01 & House Cats Run 4 Yo Life Mix Pt 02
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1518

Apostle 1 - My Souls On Fire - 1994 - Souls On Fire - Dj Domestic, Souls On Fire - Tribal Dub, Testify Remixes - Uk Remix, Testify Remixes - Original Apostle 1 - My Souls On Fire - Azuli - Souls On Fire - Dj Domestic, Souls On Fire - Tribal Dub, Testify Remixes - Uk Remix, Testify Remixes - Original
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1900

Apple Featuring Marvin Springer - Believe - 1993 - Opus 1, Opus 2 & Funkjazztickle & Me 2 2 Apple Featuring Marvin Springer - Believe - Ninja Tune - Opus 1, Opus 2 & Funkjazztickle & Me 2 2
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1634

Armand & The Banana Spliffs - Watch It Now Star - 1994 - House Hall Mix, Dub Version, Land Of The Lost Mix, Creole Mix Armand & The Banana Spliffs - Watch It Now Star - Cutting - House Hall Mix, Dub Version, Land Of The Lost Mix, Creole Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1297

Asio - Biocarbine - 1993 - & Paddee - Espionage Asio - Biocarbine - Juice - & Paddee - Espionage
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1718

Atlantic Ocean - Body In Motion - 1994 - Summer Mix & Waterfall - Original Netherlands Mix, Atlantic Ocean - Body In Motion - Eastern Block - Summer Mix & Waterfall - Original Netherlands Mix,
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1616

Baruka - Play It Loud - 1994 - Fx Mix, Club Edit & Technision & Fusion Baruka - Play It Loud - Night Vision - Fx Mix, Club Edit & Technision & Fusion
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1675

Basement Of Sound - Move And Groove - 1994 - Original, Club Mix & Dub Mix Basement Of Sound - Move And Groove - 3 Beat Music - Original, Club Mix & Dub Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1604

Bass Bumpers - The Musics Got Me - 1993 - Paul Gotels Banged Mix, Megabump Original, Rammel Mix Bass Bumpers - The Musics Got Me - Vertigo - Paul Gotels Banged Mix, Megabump Original, Rammel Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1565

Beachlife - Klub Nrg - 1994 - Original Mix, Changes & Changes - Dub Beachlife - Klub Nrg - Kool World - Original Mix, Changes & Changes - Dub
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1528

Beat Division - The Second Coming - 1993 - I Cant Quite Understand, Baby Youre All I Need, Ping Pong Song & Ping Pong Dub Beat Division - The Second Coming - Bpm - Nj - I Cant Quite Understand, Baby Youre All I Need, Ping Pong Song & Ping Pong Dub
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1764

Beat Freak & Maria - Looptrick - 1994 - Spank That Bodyworkmix, Tricky Work Dub, Workedout Mix, Original Beat Freak & Maria - Looptrick - Work - Spank That Bodyworkmix, Tricky Work Dub, Workedout Mix, Original
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1662

Bergkamp - In The Box - 1994 - International Vocal Mix, A/d Mix, Kirk & Foxs Ajax Mix, International Dub Bergkamp - In The Box - Zap Trax - International Vocal Mix, A/d Mix, Kirk & Foxs Ajax Mix, International Dub
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM86

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Bernard Badie - Time Reveals - 1994 - I Can Feel It - Club Use Only, I Can Feel It - Original, Smiley & Overjoyed Bernard Badie - Time Reveals - Night Club - I Can Feel It - Club Use Only, I Can Feel It - Original, Smiley & Overjoyed
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1708

Best Company - Dont You Forget About Me - 1993 - Raymondo Ricci Own Mix, Raymondo Cuts It Up, Good Times Golden Mix & My Place Is Here Best Company - Dont You Forget About Me - Zyx Music - Raymondo Ricci Own Mix, Raymondo Cuts It Up, Good Times Golden Mix & My Place Is Here
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM497

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Big Bad Massive - Carlos - 1993 - Big Bad Bump Mix, Original Mix, Da Da Trance Mix Big Bad Massive - Carlos - Mumbo Jumbo - Big Bad Bump Mix, Original Mix, Da Da Trance Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM510

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Bing Abrahams - Man On A Mission - 1994 - Loosen Up Stomper, Loosen Up Dub Instrumental, The Brewery Dub, The Brewery Dub Instrumental Bing Abrahams - Man On A Mission - Hands On - Loosen Up Stomper, Loosen Up Dub Instrumental, The Brewery Dub, The Brewery Dub Instrumental
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1

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Bitch - Comin Tru - Soundclash Vol 2 - 1993 - Black Black Mix, Sweet Merceys Jet Black Mix, Sm Pro Techtion Mix & Not A Hip Hop Track Bitch - Comin Tru - Soundclash Vol 2 - Bush - Black Black Mix, Sweet Merceys Jet Black Mix, Sm Pro Techtion Mix & Not A Hip Hop Track
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1520

Bits - A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That - 1994 - Go Sister, Soul Sister - Original Mix, Go Sister, Soul Sister - 889 Vocal Mix, Can You Feel The Rhythm - Dj Ojis Gospel Expressions & Can You Feel The Rhythm - Straight To Church Mix Bits - A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That - Cajual - Go Sister, Soul Sister - Original Mix, Go Sister, Soul Sister - 889 Vocal Mix, Can You Feel The Rhythm - Dj Ojis Gospel Expressions & Can You Feel The Rhythm - Straight To Church Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1568

Bizarre Inc - Took My Love - 1993 - Original Flavour Mix, Mk H Remix, Room 101 Mix, Knew Family Club Mix Bizarre Inc - Took My Love - Vinyl Solution - Original Flavour Mix, Mk H Remix, Room 101 Mix, Knew Family Club Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA728

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Black Diamond - Let Me Be - 1994 - Red Jerry Mix, A Deeper Cut Black Diamond - Let Me Be - Hooj Choons - Red Jerry Mix, A Deeper Cut
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA944

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Black Mojo - Mojos Workin - 1994 - Original, Lex Remix Black Mojo - Mojos Workin - Warp - Original, Lex Remix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM313

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Blakkat - Blakkat - 1994 - Blakkat Mix, Blakkat Medic Mix Blakkat - Blakkat - Bush - Blakkat Mix, Blakkat Medic Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1024

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Blast Featuring Vdc - Crayzy Man - 1994 - Fos In Progress, Loveland Dub, Club On Blast & Factory Vox Mix Blast Featuring Vdc - Crayzy Man - Mca - Fos In Progress, Loveland Dub, Club On Blast & Factory Vox Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1829

B-line - Tri-ply - 1993 - Inc Cast, Squash & Roundabout B-line - Tri-ply - Cleveland City - Inc Cast, Squash & Roundabout
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA284

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Blue - Four Of Seven - 1993 - Inc City Lights, Measure, Common Prayer, Lek 1 Blue - Four Of Seven - Sabres Of Paradise - D Pack - Inc City Lights, Measure, Common Prayer, Lek 1
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA885

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Bluejean - Illustrious - 1993 - Part I, Part Ii Bluejean - Illustrious - Easy Trax - Part I, Part Ii
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HA1665

Bob Holroyd - African Drug - 1994 - Coldcut Dagger Mix, Original Mix, 1994 Remix & Coldcut Trance Mix Bob Holroyd - African Drug - Bhv - Coldcut Dagger Mix, Original Mix, 1994 Remix & Coldcut Trance Mix
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HA1748

Boomshanka - Gonna Make You Move - 1994 - Original Mix & 7 Radio Edit & Movin Boomshanka - Gonna Make You Move - Slip N Slide - Original Mix & 7 Radio Edit & Movin
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1994 - Our Ref: HAM1607

Bottom $ - Rock Your Body - 1993 - Club Mix, Scat Dub, Save The Robots Dub & Acid Casualty Bottom $ - Rock Your Body - Olympic Recordings - Club Mix, Scat Dub, Save The Robots Dub & Acid Casualty
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1542

Boxcar - Universal Hymn - 1993 - Sheer Pandephonium, Gather Up The Drum And Bass, Faster Faster, Many Drums In Dub Boxcar - Universal Hymn - Pandephonium - Sheer Pandephonium, Gather Up The Drum And Bass, Faster Faster, Many Drums In Dub
12" Vinyl Record - House (1987 - 1994) - 1993 - Our Ref: HAM1132

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